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Bree Noble

Bree joins us for episode #23 to share tips, tricks and tons of tools with the Technology = Equality Community. Listen in as Bree explains how making time for family sparked her entrpreneurial journey.

"In the beginning it was more about getting out of what I was in then it was getting into what I'm in." ~Bree Noble


Strategy: Build your e-mail list so you can seamlessly communicate with your audience. Then ask questions, listen to the answers and then take action. 


Wisdom: Create a budget first and know that there will not be any positive cash flow for a significant period of time. Figure out a way to have enough bread and butter income and build from there. 


Wish: To figure out why many people are experiencing difficulty when attempting to sign up for the Female Musician Academy.


Useful Tools: Find a task manager that works for you. 

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