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Tiffany Wright

Are you struggling with finding the capital necessary to get your business up and running?


This episode was designed for those of you in need of funding and a business idea! Tiffany is an author and founder of the Resourceful CEO, a business consulting agency helping business owners find the funding necessary to flourish in today's economy.

"Inspiration comes from anywhere!" ~Tiffany Wright


Strategy: Begin building you socialmedia platform and branding before you decide to launch. Create your audience first and understand the exsisting need. Look at your competition as well as an overview of your market strategy. Next, decide what your value proposition is and create a strategy to be sure there is more coming in then going out on any given week.


Wisdom: Starting from scratch was the hardest part until Tiffany realized the struggle was mental. Learn not to focus on the small details of how and be prepared to pivot along the way. 


Wish: A web based, master marketing genius!


Useful Tools: The Funding Is Out There!

by Tiffany C. Wright

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