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Marcia Bennett

Marcia Bennett joins the Technology = Equality Community for episode #31 to share how to find a comfort zone for your product and execute your plan. 

"The 'Ah- ha' moment for me, was when I finally accepted I was different. " ~Marcia Bennett


Strategy: Take the time to self educate on all aspects of entrepreneurship and the industry you are interested in. Focus on who to serve in the industry and what it is you are trying to solve.  Be sure to always ask what it is your potential clients may want. 


Wisdom: Your mindset shift should begin before you embark on your entrepreneurial journey. The secret to Marcia's success is to pay attention to her intention, then implement and execute! 


Wish: To design a marketing campaign to diversify her client base and reach out to the male population. Marcia would like the ability to teach the skills to those who are in an employer role to have a greater impact in the workplace.


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