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Dean Bokhari

Are you feeling fulfilled? It's time to clarify the meaning behind your journey. Dean Bokhari, founder of Meaningful HQ joins the Technology = Equality Podcast for Episode #42. Dean's journey begins doing what he calls 'the exact opposite of helping humanity'. Listen in as he shares how the industry he started in made him question life and build a business in his kitchen.

"I was climbing the corporate ladder, I just didn't realize it was on the wrong wall." ~Dean Bokhari​


Strategy: Dean took time to think about how he would create a life he would be proud of by combining his strengths with his passions and finding people to serve in a unique way with these talents. 


Wisdom: If you are not doing something that allows you to perform at your highest level, and contribute to the greater good, take a step back, speak with your significant other and begin taking baby steps. Failure is an event, not a person.... learn to grow from these moments. Practice creates consistent progress.


Wish: Dean enlightened our audience with some rather shocking statics... nearly 70%- 80% of the U.S. population is performing in a position they are unfulfilled with what they do. Only about 20%- 30% of the population is super excited about what they do daily. Dean dreams of flipping this number and changing millions of lives. 


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