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Ade Durojaiye

Ade Durojaiye joins the Technology = Equality Community for Episode #49. Listen in as Ade and I discuss the value of staying persistent and the importance of keeping your 'why' in front of you on the path to accomplishing your goals.

"Not one road leads to the market " ~Ade Durojaiye


Strategy: Ade created and info product and began selling it online. The first passive income received can quickly peak curiosity and keep the motivation flowing. Share your story, it might help someone else in the future. And surround yourself with positive people


Wisdom: Believe in your ideas and stick with them. There will always be someone to douse the fire.


Wish: To eliminate the need to wear many hats by implementing the use of automated technology and drive more online traffic


Useful Tools: You Can Open Your Eyes Now

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